Globaltalk Zones
@likesoldmacs - North America, New York State - likesoldmacs
Quadra 700 AIR router
ImageWriter II
StyleWriter 2400 (until the ink dries up)
Various Macs on and off throughout March. Aiming for 31 real Macs on the network at once for 2025 :) – Sydney, Australia:
WOzFest HQ zone is main presence, with the Classic Mac Survival Kit now being shared, along with a dropbox and some networking-related apps.
A modern Brother printer (Brother From Another Router) and Print to PDF service available 24/7.
Airaga zone is for the Apple Internet Router Administrator’s Guide—Addendum (AIRAGA), and can be a staging area for first connection, as well as having a share with AIR- and GlobalTalk-related resources.
GlobalTalk Resources at GlobalTalk Setup Files on Google Drive. - Hobart, Australia - MacLab House
A few Macs come and go. A few treasured files shared for all. Beware: also a testing zone for jrouter development. - Karlsruhe, Germany - BabCom
Hosting a FirstClass 5.5 server for Internet mail and news (Usenet!) - just ask for a user account via Mastodon DM!
A Kyocera FS-1300D postscript printer named Sunny and a virtual PDF printer is available.
On the server "Babylon 5", a public read/write share "Zoccalo" can be found.
The server VALEN is a Novell NetWare 4.11 server, but not yet ready for primetime :)
Clients: iMac G4 15" (main machine), Performa 475, PowerMac G4 Quicksilver, PowerBook G4 12" - BC, Canada - 40Mhz is enough for anyone!
The "SmallNAS" server has a public read-only file share with a bunch of software and a public writable drop box for uploads.
My IIfx may occasionally be online, which has a Games share.
There is a virtual LaserWriter printer available year-round which will save PDF files to a print jobs share.
For March only, there is also a Brother MFC-2730DW (LaserWriter) online that you can send real, physical print jobs to! - San Diego, California - Vermilion Sands
Quadra 800 - emulated on a RaspberryPi 5 in QEMU, sharing a few related JG Ballard things and a dropbox - 24/7
jellypi - netatalk 4.1file server on a RaspberryPi 5, dropbox, go-between share and testing netatalkfor other systems - 24/7
macplus - Macintosh Plus logic board with 4MiB of memory in a 512Ke shell - drobox online when in use
Basilisk II - System 7.5 VM running on my Linux Mint Laptop - dropbox online when in use
I have a few old Macintosh floppies and planning to share them on jellypi, even if they're already available elsewhere.

@vga256 Dialup Cafe- Western Canada
Macintosh LC 475/System 7.1/Apple Internet Router
Farallon EtherMac LC PDS Card
HP LaserJet 4050TN
Clients: iMac G5 ALS 20-inch, iBook G4 1.2, PowerBook G4 1.33