Computing devices
• Any Mac running a version of classic MacOS
• Macs running Mac OS X up to 10.4 (10.5 also has limited support)
• Apple Lisa
• Apple IIgs
• Apple II with suitable card
• IBM PC with the official Apple LocalTalk Card
• Windows NT with Services for Macintosh
• Novell NetWare with NetWare for Macintosh
• Amiga machines with ShapeShifter
• Newton MessagePad/eMate devices
• Modern computers running netatalk
• Most Apple LaserWriter printers (anything without "LS", "SC", "Personal", "Select" in the name)
• Some other LaserWriters (300 series) can be shared via a connected Macintosh
• Many third-party printers (HP, Brother, Kyocera) with PostScript (or PostScript emulation) and Ethernet from before ~2003
• ImageWriter II with LocalTalk card installed
• Some StyleWriters (4100, 4500, 6500)
• Other StyleWriters can be shared via a connected Macintosh
• Using netatalk and CUPS running on a modern computer, you can
• Share modern printers
• Create a virtual PDF printer